Tuesday, November 10, 2009

July 2009 wins

1st July: - When driving home my phone rang, it was a very nice lady from the Lancashire Telegraph to say I’d won a pair of tickets to see Lancashire play Hampshire in the semi-final of the Friends Provident Trophy. It was a lovely day with some great fielding, unfortunately Lancashire’s batting wasn’t up to the task and they lost convincingly.

3rd July: - Unusually a package arrived for me at work containing a win; it was a mini-stapler from Rexel.

4th July: - I won a MP3 download from Papermate

8th July: - I received a letter from Smooth Radio informing me that I’d won a ‘Manly Meal’ for two at The Monroe in Liverpool. The meal was to consist of a pie, a pint and a pudding. The Monroe is a nicely updated pub near the centre of Liverpool. We were informed that the pie promotion to which the competition referred was the previous month, however, the chef had made us a chicken pie specially. The chicken pie turned out to be chicken and apricot, served with chunky chips and red wine gravy and was delicious. We followed this up with bread and butter pudding and coffee. A very nice experience.

9th July: - I won a book from ‘liberalengland’ called ‘A Useful Fiction’.

13th July: - I took a call from ‘Scuzz Magazine’ to say I’d won a pair of tickets to see ‘Nine Inch Nails’. This was very pleasing as they are one of my daughter’s favourite bands. They were supported by Jane’s Addiction. Both bands seemed a bit tuneless to my ears but as most of the others there seemed to be enjoying it I have to concede that it may be me that was out of step.

15th July: - I received an e-mail saying that I’d won 5 iTune downloads. Also a box of Clipper tea arrived.

17th July: - I took a phone call from a lady at Real Radio to say I’d won a couple of tickets to the Amir Khan WBA Light Welterweight World Title Fight at the MEN. After picking up the tickets I negotiated with a ticket tout and picked up £100 for the tickets. We decided to go for a meal at Café Istanbul in Manchester, after a lovely meal with a few drinks I still had money left over so a good prize all round.

18th July: - A pair of Flyfit earplugs arrived. These earplugs relieve pressure and cut down ambient noise when flying. They were well used, especially at take off, on our trip to America

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