Friday, November 30, 2007

Haunting Weekend

The weekend started with a pleasant train journey to Edinburgh. After a 10 minute walk from Waverley Station we found our hotel, ‘The Royal Terrace Hotel’. The hotel was part of a Georgian Terrace overlooking the Firth of Forth.

We unpacked our things and set off to explore Edinburgh’s old town. Our planned walk began on the Royal Mile at the castle’s esplanade. We followed a meandering route which took in many points of interest on the way. We eventually came to the end of the walk in Greyfriars Cemetery. We then retired to a pub built on the site of the old gallows called ‘The Last Drop’.

Our evening began back at the hotel in the Adam Suite. We were met by the two weekend organisers who briefed us on what was to happen. After our meal a taxi had been booked to take us on our Haunted Edinburgh walk.

We were met a Mercat Cross by a guide who was to lead our tour. He was dressed in Victorian costume including a large cape. He told us grisly tales of old Edinburgh. Our trip included a trip underground in the Edinburgh Vault and ended in a dark cemetery at the gates of which the taxi was waiting to take us back to the hotel. Not wishing to spend the rest of the evening in the hotel bar we went to the bar of the Players Theatre where we spent the rest of the evening.

The following day after breakfast we went on our planned walk to explore the New Town. Our walk firstly took us around many elegant Edwardian and Georgian terraces. We then detoured up the Waters of the Leith to Dean Village and then on to Stockbridge. We had spotted on our walk a Georgian house that was having a special event. The house was open to the public and in each room actors played a role which explained how the house functioned in its era.

We then went for a walk along Princess Street. We then found an Edwardian Pub from our guidebook and had a quite drink there. We then visited Jenners, Britain’s oldest department store. We had a quick look at Edinburgh’s Christmas fair and then went to look at a famous Italian deli which Dale was anxious to have a look at.
In the evening the ‘haunting’ group met again in the hotel. Unfortunately the power to the hotel’s kitchens had gone down (could the spooks have been responsible?), so they couldn’t cook us the planned meal. The hotel had managed to rustle up a cold buffet with as much wine as we could drink. The evening began with a talk on orbs, followed by crystal protection and divination. We then went on to use divining rods. Finally there followed a séance.

At 12.45pm we decided we it was time for bed, many of the others were about to start another séance. But considering the lack of convincing success of the previous session we decided bed was a far better option.

On our final morning after breakfast we walked up Catton Hill, then to Hollyrood House, the new Scottish Parliament and walked the full length of the Royal Mile.

Before I went on this weekend I thought that the whole area of ghosts and spirits was a load of rubbish, after the weekend I’m even more convinced I was correct.

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

November 2007 wins

5th November: Received details today that my Haunting Weekend to Bidford Grange had been cancelled. They offered me a number of alternatives, the one which I’ve chosen is ‘Edinburgh Royal Terrace Hotel and the Edinburgh Vaults. I’m very pleased with this as the break seems a much nicer one than the one previously booked.

The hotel is 4star and right in the centre of Edinburgh.

The first day is at leisure to explore the city and enjoy the hotel’s facilities including the pool, gardens and gym. At present we’ve a walk around the Old Town planned. The evening involves dinner then a tour of haunted Edinburgh including a visit to a cemetery and the underground vaults.

The second day is again at leisure and this time we’ve a walk around the New Town planned along with some city centre shopping and sightseeing. The second evening involves various explorations in the hotel with a psychic and other things like dowsing, crystal protection. We then leave the following morning after breakfast.

10th November: Returned home to a parcel which contained ‘Panda Internet Security 2008’ software. This was one of 20 runner-up prizes, the first prize was a nine day holiday to Hong Kong and China with a trip to a Giant Panda reserve. So close – but in view of last months Hong Kong win I guess I shouldn’t grumble.

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

October 2007 wins

25th October: After a very slow month I finally won something a Tesco Internet Phone Adapter. Not really much use to me though.

29th October: On getting home from a day out in the Lakes I find I've won a box of chocolate truffles. The evening gets even better when I find I've won a half case of mixed wines and a 10 nations rugby shirt.

30th Oct: I received a phone message whilst I was in a meeting. On ringing back I found I'd won tickets to Alice Cooper, Motorhead and 'Joan Jet and the Blackhearts'. Unfortunately I can't go but daughter and friend should have a good night.

The day got even better as I then one a prize in the Virgin Radio/ 118 24 7 competition. My best win of the year so far - a trip to Hong Kong.

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

September 2007 Wins

3rd September: Received an e-mail to say I’d won 4 tickets to the Masters Football tournament at the MEN arena.

6th September: Firstly I won a pair of preview tickets to the film ‘In the Hand of God’ at Vue Cinema in Bolton.

Secondly we received a letter in Dale’s name from the Lancashire Evening Telegraph to say we’d won a Greek Yoghurt deluxe picnic and barbeque set. On looking this up it appears this contains a combined barbeque and cool bag, a wind shelter, and a rug.

Thirdly I received an e-mail in the evening to say I’d won a pair of tickets to see ‘Henry V’ at the Royal Exchange, Manchester.

7th September: In the middle of decorating the bath room I received a telephone call from Nuts Magazine to say I’d won a haunting weekend. The weekend is a two night break at Bidford Grange near Stratford-on-Avon, here there will paranormal investigations and a psychic etc. (Report to follow)

8th September: Was awoken by the postman this morning who delivered a parcel for Dale. The parcel contained some ‘Simple’ cosmetics.

Also won some further tickets on the internet, these are again preview tickets to the film ‘Superbad’

9th September: Attended the Masters Football tournament today. This was better attended than last time I went. After a very enjoyable evening Leicester City emerged the winner.

10th September: Received a £2 ‘Farmfoods’ voucher

12th September: Had a very enjoyable evening at the Royal Exchange watching their production of ‘Henry V’. The staging was very innovative with a scaffolding type structure that was moveable and revealed a watery trench. There were quite a few faces I new rather than famous names, the production though was up to the Royal Exchanges usual high standard.

17th September: Received an e-mail saying I’d won another £5 Amazon voucher from Gfk surveys.

19th September: Received an e-mail telling me I’d won four tickets to the Carling Cup match between Rovers and Birmingham City.

25th September: Received a telephone call at work today from Carling. Apparently I’ve won another two tickets to the Rovers v Birmingham game. As the other tickets have not arrived as yet I didn’t turn them down. If I carry on at this rate we’ll fill half the stand.

27th: I've won a pair of preview tickets to the new film the kingdom.

Sunday, September 16, 2007

Tiger Moth Flight

We arrived at Barton Aerodrome in good time to get our bearings and have a quick cuppa before receiving a briefing at the control tower. The plane was a 1932 Tiger Moth and is apparently the oldest Tiger Moth still flying. The pilot we were told is an Easy Jet pilot during the week but loves this type of flying so much this is how he chooses to spend his weekend.

I was taken to the plane by the attendants and Dale was allowed out onto the airfield to take some photos.

I climbed into the plane and after a few last minute instructions we were ready for take off.

The take off was very quick and gentle and before long I was enjoying the view below.

Once out of the immediate vicinity of the aerodrome the pilot gave me further instructions as to what to do and then allowed me take the controls. I got the hang of level flying, was allowed to do a couple of turns and got the plane in the right direction to go back to the aerodrome. Once near the aerodrome the pilot took over the controls again and brought the plane into land. The landing again was very smooth and not in the least scary.

Once back inside the control tower I was shown a DVD that had been taken of me flying the plane – though at a price of £45 I decided not to buy one.

All in all a superb experience.

Wednesday, August 08, 2007

August Wins 07

4th August: Won two tickets to a screening of 'Brief Encounter' but unfortunately couldn't make it.

6th August: Received an e-mail which read "Congratulations you have won a copy of the 'Gate Easy Vegetarian Cookbook' from our Stella magazine competition 29th July. Your details have been passed on to the organisers who will arrange delivery of your prize within the next 2 - 3 weeks".

9th August:Received a telephone call at work from Carling to say I'd won 4 tickets to the Carling Cup game between Accrington Stanley and Leicester City.

10th August:Received an e-mail saying I'd won another £5 Amazon voucher from Gfk Surveys.

14th August:After returning home from the Accrington Stanley game, I found an e-mail saying I'd won a 'Goodyear Goodie Bag'. I have no idea what it contains - but a wins a win.

22nd August: I received a phone call at work today to say I'd won two tickets to an invite only Fratellis concert. The trouble is it is in London. Well, my daughter and friend have decided they will make the trip with all the expense as they are so keen to see them. I just hope it's worth it.

28th August
:Just received an e-mail from KISS FM to say I'd won their Bob Marley competition. It appears I've won the albums- Rastaman Vibration, Exodus, Kaya, Survival, Uprising, Confrontation.

Monday, July 09, 2007

July 2007 Wins

The number of i-tunes keep on increasing

9th July: Received an e-mail telling me I'd won an Official Wimbledon Supporters Pack . The pack contained a Buxton Supporter Pack valued at £70! Brimming with tennis goodies – the official Wimbledon sports bag comes filled with a Buxton polo shirt, a Wimbledon Towel and pair of sweatbands – just like the ones the champions use on Centre Court – plus, a bottle of Buxton Natural Mineral Water, of course!

10th July: I received an e-mail at 10.00 in the morning informing me that I'd won tickets to see Barbara Streisand at the M.E.N. this evening. We had to pick our tickets up at the theatre early in the evening - quite surprised that they were very expensive tickets, over £350 each. We enjoyed an early evening meal in Manchester and went on to the show.

The seats were so good Peter Kay was sat behind us - note behind us.

The stage was shaped like a figure of eight with the orchestra sat in the holes in the eight. Down the cental runway was a circular platform with a large 'S' projected onto it. The orchestra took their positions and started to play, the floor beneath the 'S' moved away and Barbara came up through the hole. She received a standing ovation before she'd even opened her mouth.

We were treated to many of her greatest hits plus a great selection of show tunes. We had a fantastic evening.

July 19th: Came home to a very unpromising looking envelope, which turned out to contain a cotton shopping bag from Anchor butter. On checking my e-mail I found I had won a £5 Amazon voucher, which is always useful.

July 20th: Came home once again to a very unpromising looking envelope, which turned out to contain a recipe book about different ways to cook mince. Again on checking my e-mail I found I had won a prize, this time a Bio T-shirt from the Biography Channel. This apparently has a picture of George Best on the front – as far as I can remember the choice was George or Prince Charles or the lead singer from Kiss.

Sunday, June 10, 2007

June 2007 Wins

1st June: Won two i-tunes

7th June: There was a parcel waiting for me when I got in it contained a Nokia N73 mobile phone. It is worth nearly £300. It has a high res camera, camcorder, 1,500 tune MP3 player, stereo radio, calendar, buetooth etc etc.

What I nearly missed in my excitement, the package contained wristbands for VIP entry and VIP camping to the Download Festival, which means one very happy daughter. (pictures and report to follow)

10th June: More i-tunes today

14th June: Package arrived in today's mail it contained Marc Almon's new album 'Stardom Road'.

19th June: Won £50 in a GfK survey.

27th June: Received a phone call from a lady at Lancashire Tourism to say I'd won an i-pod. Amazingly this is my third this year. The lady remembered me from my previous photography win last November. She said they'd had hundreds of entries and was amazed when my name came out

29th June: Another £5.00 from Gfk

Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Weekend @ Guy's Thatched Hamlet

Here are a few photos of my recent win to Guys Thatched Hamlet at Bilsborough.

The hamlet is only 17 miles from home, though it is so close we have never really explored this area so it seemed a world away.

The hamlet rather than being an original thatched village is in fact a series of converted and purpose built properties. The feeling is more one of theme park than authentic traditional village.

We arrived to champagne and chocolates. The picture on the bed is a little contrived as we actually took the champagne and chocolates outdoors and sat and ate them by the bowling green.

The lady in the yellow top is Dale and by this time we'd scoffed all of the chocolates and most of the champers.

The first picture on the right shows the building in which our room was situated. The second shows the mainstreet

We stayed two nights in a room with a spa bath (a very noisy spa bath).

The prize include breakfast each day and a £30 contribution to our meal on one night.

We had a really chilled out time, but I hope the next win is to somewhere a little more exotic.

Wednesday, May 02, 2007

May 2007 Wins

2nd May: Went to pick up a parcel at the mail depot it turned out to be a super lambanana.

28th May: I won 2 i-tunes from the coca-cola promotion. Not much, but after 26 days without a win very welcome.

31st May: Disappointing month ended well with tickets to "Someone who'll watch over me" at the Library Theatre in Manchester.

Thursday, April 05, 2007

April 2007 wins

2nd April: I won a manicure set from Fairy

3rd April: I won a £5 Amazon voucher fro GfK surveys

4th April: I received an e-mail which read

"Congratulations! You have been selected as a winner of Warner Bros' "Be 1 of 300" competition.

In order for your name to potentially appear on the bonus materials of the DVD release of 300, we need you to urgently fill in the attached Release Form and post a copy to: Digital Outlook, Covden House, 7a Langley Street , London , WC2H 9JA , titled Be 1 of 300 Competition. Alternatively, if you have the facility, we will accept a signed pdf copy sent back to this email address. Please note, if you are under 18 we will need a parent or guardian to sign the Release Form as well."

A very strange win. I think it was a win from the Maxim website, if so it also includes a signed book of the art work and a soundtrack.

5th April: Received an e-mail from ITV telling me I'd won a pair of tickets to see the film 'Wild Hogs'.

10th April: Won some garment waterproofer from Nixwax

21st April: Received a retro Northern Island shirt from Nestle.

Also received confirmation that my '300' prize did include a book and CD, thing these are signed by the director of the film.

Also had confirmation from Sonetti that they are sorting my clothing prize out for next weekend. Still no details of the arrangements.

23rd April: An e-mail arrived from GQ magazine saying I'd won a limited edition Levi belt, one of only 200 made.

24th April: I received an e-mail todat which read "We are pleased to inform you that you have won two tickets to see a performance of Simon Blocks' Not a Game For Boys' on either Wednesday 25 April or Thursday 26 April at 7.30pm.The tickets will be waiting for you at the Box Office".

26th April: We attended the play 'Not a Game For Boys', it was quite funny in parts. It was about three London taxi drivers in a table tennis league needing to win their final match to avoid relegation

27th April: Had a phone call from the lady organising my Sonnetti win, they are no longer having me visit a store but are going to send me £500 worth of their leading lines.

30th April: My £500 of Sonnetti clothing arrived today it consisted of
  • 1 X Casual canvas jacket (see below)
  • 3 X Pairs of jeans (all different styles)
  • 1X Pair of shorts
  • 1X Jumper
  • 3X Smart casual cotton shirts (again different styles)
  • 3X Polo shirts (again different styles)
  • 3X T- shirt (again different styles)

Friday, March 16, 2007

March 2007 Wins

6th March: Received an e-mail today which read:-

"Congratulations! You have won £500 worth of Sonneti clothing from Maxim’s March 2007 competition.

In order for me to arrange delivery of the prize, I will need a daytime delivery address and phone number. Please bear in mind that the prize will be sent directly from the PR agency, not from Maxim and may take up to 28 days to be delivered"

9th March: Today I was contacted by the promotions agency handling the promotion. They are to arrange with a local store for me to be kitted out there, not just receive £500 of random goods as the above e-mail implies. That sounds much better.

14th March: Received a roll of foil food wrap from Homes magazine today. I've had better prizes but a wins a win.

16th March: Received an e-mail todat to say I've won too tickets to a preview screening of AMAZING GRACE, a film based on the life of anti-slavery pioneer William Wilberforce.

27th March: Received an interesting looking parcel from Kelloggs it contained a 'Pirates of the Caribbean' swag bag. This will come in useful for flask and sandwiches at the weekend.

30th March: I received an e-mail today which read "Congratulations, in the February Radio prize draw you won a £5.00 Amazon voucher for taking part in the GfK Television Survey". Very useful.