Sunday, March 21, 2010

January 2010 Wins

2nd Jan: Won a t-shirt from St Helier Cider whilst on their internet site

6th Jan: I received a letter from Lancashire Telegraph to say I’d won tickets to see Swan Lake at Blackpool Grand Theatre on Friday 8th January. Heavy snow made it difficult for us to get through, but as our granddaughter Lucy had been born in Blackpool the day before we had an added incentive. It was a very enjoyable evening in the beautiful Victorian theatre.

15th Jan: A neat little box arrived from Tyrell’s – it contain five packets of different flavoured crisps

18th Jan: I received an e-mail saying I’d won a 2.25kg bag of McCain’s Home Fries. I also had delivered a hessian shopping bag.

22nd Jan: I received an e-mail to fro ‘’ to say I’d won tickets to see the play ‘Raisin in the Sun’ at the Royal Exchange, Manchester. It is a play about a black family in Chicago at the time of the Civil Rights Movement.

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