Friday, November 30, 2007

Haunting Weekend

The weekend started with a pleasant train journey to Edinburgh. After a 10 minute walk from Waverley Station we found our hotel, ‘The Royal Terrace Hotel’. The hotel was part of a Georgian Terrace overlooking the Firth of Forth.

We unpacked our things and set off to explore Edinburgh’s old town. Our planned walk began on the Royal Mile at the castle’s esplanade. We followed a meandering route which took in many points of interest on the way. We eventually came to the end of the walk in Greyfriars Cemetery. We then retired to a pub built on the site of the old gallows called ‘The Last Drop’.

Our evening began back at the hotel in the Adam Suite. We were met by the two weekend organisers who briefed us on what was to happen. After our meal a taxi had been booked to take us on our Haunted Edinburgh walk.

We were met a Mercat Cross by a guide who was to lead our tour. He was dressed in Victorian costume including a large cape. He told us grisly tales of old Edinburgh. Our trip included a trip underground in the Edinburgh Vault and ended in a dark cemetery at the gates of which the taxi was waiting to take us back to the hotel. Not wishing to spend the rest of the evening in the hotel bar we went to the bar of the Players Theatre where we spent the rest of the evening.

The following day after breakfast we went on our planned walk to explore the New Town. Our walk firstly took us around many elegant Edwardian and Georgian terraces. We then detoured up the Waters of the Leith to Dean Village and then on to Stockbridge. We had spotted on our walk a Georgian house that was having a special event. The house was open to the public and in each room actors played a role which explained how the house functioned in its era.

We then went for a walk along Princess Street. We then found an Edwardian Pub from our guidebook and had a quite drink there. We then visited Jenners, Britain’s oldest department store. We had a quick look at Edinburgh’s Christmas fair and then went to look at a famous Italian deli which Dale was anxious to have a look at.
In the evening the ‘haunting’ group met again in the hotel. Unfortunately the power to the hotel’s kitchens had gone down (could the spooks have been responsible?), so they couldn’t cook us the planned meal. The hotel had managed to rustle up a cold buffet with as much wine as we could drink. The evening began with a talk on orbs, followed by crystal protection and divination. We then went on to use divining rods. Finally there followed a séance.

At 12.45pm we decided we it was time for bed, many of the others were about to start another séance. But considering the lack of convincing success of the previous session we decided bed was a far better option.

On our final morning after breakfast we walked up Catton Hill, then to Hollyrood House, the new Scottish Parliament and walked the full length of the Royal Mile.

Before I went on this weekend I thought that the whole area of ghosts and spirits was a load of rubbish, after the weekend I’m even more convinced I was correct.

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

November 2007 wins

5th November: Received details today that my Haunting Weekend to Bidford Grange had been cancelled. They offered me a number of alternatives, the one which I’ve chosen is ‘Edinburgh Royal Terrace Hotel and the Edinburgh Vaults. I’m very pleased with this as the break seems a much nicer one than the one previously booked.

The hotel is 4star and right in the centre of Edinburgh.

The first day is at leisure to explore the city and enjoy the hotel’s facilities including the pool, gardens and gym. At present we’ve a walk around the Old Town planned. The evening involves dinner then a tour of haunted Edinburgh including a visit to a cemetery and the underground vaults.

The second day is again at leisure and this time we’ve a walk around the New Town planned along with some city centre shopping and sightseeing. The second evening involves various explorations in the hotel with a psychic and other things like dowsing, crystal protection. We then leave the following morning after breakfast.

10th November: Returned home to a parcel which contained ‘Panda Internet Security 2008’ software. This was one of 20 runner-up prizes, the first prize was a nine day holiday to Hong Kong and China with a trip to a Giant Panda reserve. So close – but in view of last months Hong Kong win I guess I shouldn’t grumble.